Delivery and shipping.
The products for sale on this site are dispatched from different places.
When you place an order, the site will calculate the delivery time based on your location at checkout.
The further you are away from the country where the item is produced, the longer it will take to arrive.
All our products are made-to-order to avoid wasting stuff.
This does mean that it sometimes takes a little longer to get orders delivered, but we think it’s better than producing stuff that goes to waste.
Some products are shipped from the UK and EU, others from the US.
Approximate delivery times are shown on the product category pages.
On each product category page (mugs, totes, t-shirts etc), you’ll see a note that shows where the product ships from. The further the shipping destination is from your destination, in general, the longer the delivery time.
If you are in the UK or EU and your item(s) is made there, typical delivery is 3-5 days,
Multiple delivery times.
If you have one product in your cart that ships from the EU, and another that ships from the US, the site will show the longer of the two delivery times, but your individual items will arrive at different times.