Bee with smiling heart


Bee Friends is stuff designed by Dave.

I am a UK-based illustrator who likes Bees. I also run a design agency, design and sells cards, prints and invites, work as a freelance illustrator and offset the carbon footprint of all the wonderful people I work with at the design agency (Toast).

Every time you buy a product on this site, some of the profit gets donated to helping Bees.

Other stuff you might want to know about.

Why Bees?

I’ve been doodling Bees for over 20 years. As an illustrator, I’ve designed Bee logos, Bee-related illustrations and other Bee stuff for a wide range of clients and individuals all over the planet.


Bees are our friends.

Without Bees, our world is in real trouble. It’s amazing that such a small, fuzzy co-habitant of the planet makes such an immeasurable difference to it. I love the fact that something so seemingly insignificant is actually so amazing and important. (Remember that next time you see a Bee that needs help).